
Lead Creative Technologist / Software Dev


  • Dynamic visualization based on date, time, and weather
  • Proximity, dwell time, motion, and touch, responsiveness
  • Scalable platform for various display sizes
  • Fully updatable content manager for multiple story types and events with website integration

  • Leveraging touch, motion tracking, proximity, dwell time, weather, date and time, and event databases, the media wall serves as a “smart” installation that feels different every moment of the year, while responding to activity in the space, and telling the stories of its community.



    Lead Creative Technologist with 10+ years of experience in interactive/immersive installations for museums, corporate and health spaces. Former clients include Intel, Samsung, Microsoft, The Smithsonian, Louis Armstrong House Museum and The Space Needle in Seattle. 

    As a Media Artist I create responsive environments, generative art, particle systems and physics simulations among other things. I also make music.